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the stylish things

Updated: Oct 22, 2018

Its officially, official.

Hi, I’m Sarah, and welcome to my crib…. this will be the home of The Stylish Things; my own little piece of the gorgeous internet. So take a seat, grab yourself a cuppa and make yourself comfortable.



A bit about me (if you haven’t already read my BIO): I’ve worked as a fashion stylist for around 9 years, then in 2015 I decided to take a break from the industry and set up a business with my family: a cocktail bar. Crazy, right? I didn’t even know how to shake a cocktail, let alone run a business! But my dad (a man who has set up 17 businesses in 50 years - Del Boy we call him) persuaded me with his “he who dares, wins” life-motto. So to cut a very long story short, after 1 year of building work, our cocktail bar opened its doors and we named it Playground. I didn’t know how to shake a cocktail, but I DID know how to come up with creative ideas for them, and spent many sleepless nights designing and brainstorming cool concepts. Check them out on my cocktails page!

Working with interior designers, mixologists and branding was fantastic, but I must admit, it did leave a huge fashion-hole that needed to be re-filled (preferably with Gucci, thanks). I missed my industry, I missed my friends, I missed working up in London where I would pick up my daily coffee, and I missed that buzz I got from shoots. I found myself watching New York Fashion week live, on my laptop, from my bedroom; THIS IS NO WAY TO LIVE. My business, although brilliant, had taken all of my time and energy and my existence now consisted of wearing puffer-coats day-in-day-out. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, I thought. I needed to get back to the (fashion-focused) Sarah I was inside, and back to where I belonged.

I started an instagram page about 2 years ago, mostly for bantz, business-running-escapism and a way of keeping my foot in the fashion-world. I’ve always loved photography, and fashion of course, and wanted to start capturing my outfits with some photographer friends I had made from my styling career. We would spend afternoons shimmying up and down The Kings Road looking for cool walls and coffee shops for beautiful backdrops (oh I know, I am SO 2018). I began shooting the gorgeous things I had bought that month (minus the puffer-coat), started tagging brands, hash-tagged the shit out of my images, and contacted PRs. Then in September 2018 I hit 50,000 followers, that’s two and a half times the capacity for the O2 arena, just sayin’...

Everything has grown since that day I decided to cast-aside my puffer, put on normal clothes and take some photos; with tens of thousands of lovely followers now tuning in to look at what I love and wear. Thank you, you helped saved me from my no-time-for-a-wax self.

It is of course scary putting yourself out there, and like many self-doubting females, there’s always that little voice in the back of my head telling me “this might not work out”, and that “there’s no more room for ANOTHER style blogger”. Then that other little voice pipes up: HE WHO DARES, WINS. Thanks Del Boy...


By Sarah Cattini

Additional Writing By: Latisha Ma

Photography By Ruth Rose and Lucy Richards


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